Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pressure Test

I wonder whether it is true!!!! Attached are non-animated pictures. They are used to relate to your pressure level . If you see them moving , then that means you have pressure. The speed of the movement is the level of your pressure. The higher that moving speed, the higher pressure you have.

Most chidren and old men only see static pictures and not moving. If
you see the pattern moving in a slow motion, that means you have a bit pressure at this moment .

Test yourself reqularly with these pictures to know yourself better. :
Sometimes, it is good to have an appropriate pressure to push us to do better, but too much pressure can push us to the end of the edge resulting in sickness.

Please calm yourself if you see those patterns moving fast....


pRincESs_N said...

ohh...awl2 lg N da nmpk die moving....

ami in pressure??

mayb...pressure bakal dtgglkn kesorgn....

Keri AlHaj said...

nampak dia gerak sikit-sikit... huh! pressure jugak saya ni rupnya

Suzi said...

nasib baik nampak moving slow je...pressure sikit jellah tu kot...hihihi...
nanti nak suruh hubby buatlah dia tengah tension dgn study dia tu....

Mr Din said...

semua org ada presure walaupun sikit. test tu bgs utk mengetahui tahap presure kita.

.::WaNiE::. said...

aku nampak ia bergerak waaa sahih lar aku tgh stress ni

lajunye adalah seperti anak dara membawa basikal mengelilingi kampung sambil nyanyi lagu pontianak harum sundal malam..hahah[laju ke :P]

ita.itu said...

pening pale aku ngk..adoila

Tie said...

Wah..gerak macam air kat laut tu..memang under pressure nih!!

teddi said...

emm ini pelajaran semasa form3

miss N said...

gerak laju..............argh!!

LediAgli said...

aku memang pressureeeee

bozzobattousai said...

utk smua,
korang pun cam aku gak...presssssssssure.......

pearl'E.J said...

haaaa!! nmpk dia gerak laaa... tapi mcm derang ckp gak ler, gerak slow2 gitu...