Friday, May 23, 2008


Steve Hunter 21 May 2008

The son of a former Liverpool captain will be in the Academy
Under-18 squad next season. Thomas Ince, son of MK Dons
manager Paul, has come up from the Under-16 squad to be
a first year Academy player next season. Finland midfielder
Lauri Dalla Valle is also in the squad having been part of the
Under-18s touring party to the Middle East and the USA last
season. As revealed yesterday on Swedish
midfielder Astrit Ajdarevic is still under contract as an Academy
player but is currently looking for another club, so is not
named as part of Hughie McAuley's squad.
Liverpool's Under-18 squad for 2008-09 season.
First years:
Christopher Buchtmann
Deale Chamberlain
Alex Cooper
Lauri Dalla Valle
Hakan Duyan
James Ellison
Thomas Ince
Pajtim Kasami
Jack Metcalf
Adam Pepper
Michael Roberts.
Second years:
Steven Irwin
David Amoo
Nathan Eccleston
Sean Highdale
Joe Kennedy
Chris Oldfield
Marvin Pourie
Alex Kacaniklic
Third years :
Gary MacKay-Steven
Shane O'Connor
Michael Scott.


ON THIS DAY: MAY 23, 1973 Steve Hunter
23 May 2008

Liverpool won their first ever European trophy as the Reds
beat German side Borussia Moenchengladbach 3-2 on
aggregate to win the UEFA Cup. It was a sweet victory
for Bill Shankly's side and it was the stepping stone for
the Reds to start conquering Europe. Despite losing the
second leg 2-0, Shankly's side earned their victory after
a 3-0 win in the first leg at Anfield. It was a tense second
leg in Germany as Borussia scored twice in the first half,
but a defence inspired by Emlyn Hughes held out to give
the Reds glory. Elsewhere on this day in LFC history AC
Milan gained some form of revenge for Liverpool's Istanbul
glory when they beat Rafa Benitez's side 2-1 in the Champions
League final Athens last season. Dirk Kuyt's late goal proved
a mere consolation as two goals from Filippo Inzaghi earned
the Italians victory.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


If you have sex with a prostitute against her will, is it considered
rape or shoplifting?

Can you cry under water?

How important does a person have to be before they are considered
assassinated instead of just murdered?

Why do you have to 'put your two cents in'... but it's only a 'penny
for your thoughts'? Where's that extra penny going to?

Why does a round pizza come in a square box?

How is it that we put man on the moon before we figured out it
would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage?

Why is it that people say they 'slept like a baby' when babies
wake up like every two hours?

If a deaf person has to go to court, is it still called a hearing?

Why are you IN a movie, but you're ON TV?

Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money
in binoculars to look at things on the ground?

Why do doctors leave the room while you change?
They're going to see you naked anyway. HAHAHA

Why is 'bra' singular and 'panties' plural?

Why do toasters always have a setting that burns the toast to
a horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat?

Can a hearse carrying a corpse drive in the carpool lane ?

If the professor on Gilligan's Island can make a radio out of a
coconut, why can't he fix a hole in a boat?

Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours?
They're both dogs!

If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from
vegetables, what is baby oil made from?

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from

Do the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have
the same tune?

Why did you just try singing the two songs above?

Why do they call it an asteroid when it's outside the hemisphere,
but call it a hemorrhoid when it's in your butt?

Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog's face, he gets
mad at you, but when you take him for a car ride, he sticks his
head out the window?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Yang Mana satu pilihan anda diantara dua ajaran berikut?
1. Ajaran Bible Kristian: [1 Kor 11:5] Tetapi tiap-tiap perempuan yang berdoa atau bernubuat dengan kepala yang tidak bertudung, menghina KEPALAnya, sebab ia sama dengan perempuan yang dicukur rambutnya.[1 Kor 11:6] Sebab jika perempuan tidak mau menudungi KEPALAnya, maka haruslah ia juga menggunting rambutnya. Tetapi jika bagi perempuan adalah penghinaan, bahawa rambutnya digunting atau dicukur, maka haruslah ia menudungi kepalanya.[1 Kor 11:10] Sebab itu, perempuan harus memakai tanda wibawa di KEPALAnyaoleh karena para malaikat.[1 Kor 11:13] Pertimbangkanlah sendiri: Patutkah perempuan berdoa kepada Allah dengan KEPALA yang tidak bertudung?
2. Ajaran Quran yang dibawa Nabi (ahsanal hadis Q. 39:23):"24:31. Dan katakanlah kepada perempuan-perempuan mukmin, supaya mereka menundukkan pandangan mereka, dan menjaga kemaluan mereka, dan tidak menampakkan perhiasan mereka kecuali apa yang nampak daripadanya; dan hendaklah mereka meletakkan penudung (khumur) mereka pada DADA mereka(juyubihinna) ."Amat jelas, Bible Kristian yang kononnya ditolak oleh umat Islam menyuruh wanita menutup KEPALA mereka. Quran pula menyuruh wanita menutup DADA mereka.
Anehnya ulamak mengajar supaya wanita Islam mengikut ajaran Bible Kristiandan bukan ajaran Quran. Akibatnya ulamak telah menyebabkan wanita Islam menjadi Kristian, apabila mereka ta'at menjunjung ajaran Bible ini, tanpa mereka sedari. Wanita Islam sudah pun jadi penganut bible Kristian walaupun nama mereka belum ditukar kepada Lina Joy, Theresa dan sebagainya. Disebaliknya orang Kristian sendiri, dengan berselindung di belakangkemodenan, tidak mengikuti ajaran Bible berkaitan menutup kepala bagiwanita. Di Malaysia, sebelum akhir tahun tujuh puluhan, hampir mustahil kita melihat perempuan Islam memakai tudung kepala. Bahkan isteri Kadhi dan mufti pun waktu itu bebas keluar dari rumah tanpa memakai tudung kepala. Yang gemar memakai tudung dari dahulu hanyalah wanita kaum Sikh. 'Ibadat' memakai tudung kepala ini sebenarnya dipopularkan oleh golonganAl-Arqam dan Tabligh dan bukan 'ulamak' Malaysia. Walaupun Kerajaan telah mengharamkan al-Arqam, dan gerakan Tablilgh menjadi lemah, budaya Taliban memakai tudung yang mereka tonjolkan sudah menjadi amalan harian yang dianggap wajib, kerana dipercayai sebagai ajaran Islam. Maka ulamak hanya meneruskannya untuk menyesuaikan diri mengikut keadaan semasa. Quran (surah 24:31 di atas) memang tidak menyuruh orang perempuan menutup kepala mereka. Quran itu lengkap, jelas dan sempurna; dan tidak siapa walaupun Nabi, diberi kuasa oleh Allah untuk menokok-tambah dan mengubah Quran. Orang yang tidak mempercayai ini adalah kafir. Quran sudah memberi amaran yang jelas bahawa dengan mentaati orang-orang yang diberi al-Kitab (Bible Kristian) kita boleh terbalik menjadi kafir. Quran Al-Imran 3:100 "Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, jika kamu mentaati segolongan daripada orang-orang yang diberi al-Kitab, mereka akan mengembalikan kamu, sesudah keimanan kamu, kepada orang-orang yang kafir."Memakai tudung sekadar sebagai fesyen atau hiasan adalah kewajaran; tetapi menganggapnya sebagai ajaran agama yang wajib sentiasa dipatuhi adalah mentaati Bible. Nampaknya umat Islam tanpa sedar telah mentaati ajaran Bible Kristian, dan menolak Quran yang disampaikan oleh Nabi.



Sungguh sesat lagi menyesatkan tafsiran yang dibuat di bawah ini :..

"24:31. Dan katakanlah kepada perempuan-perempuan mukmin, supaya merekamenundukkan pandangan mereka, dan menjaga kemaluan mereka, dan tidakmenampakkan perhiasan mereka kecuali apa yang nampak daripadanya; danhendaklah mereka meletakkan penudung (khumur) mereka pada DADA mereka(juyubihinna) ."Amat jelas, Bible Kristian yang kononnya ditolak oleh umat Islam menyuruhwanita menutup KEPALA mereka. Quran pula menyuruh wanita menutup DADAmereka. Anehnya ulamak mengajar supaya wanita Islam mengikut ajaran Bible Kristiandan bukan ajaran Quran. Akibatnya ulamak telah menyebabkan wanita Islammenjadi Kristian, apabila mereka ta'at menjunjung ajaran Bible ini, tanpamereka sedari. Wanita Islam sudah pun jadi penganut bible Kristian walaupunnama mereka belum ditukar kepada Lina Joy, Theresa dan sebagainya.
Tafsiran al-Quran yang saya tahu :
============ ========= =====

[24.31] Dan katakanlah kepada perempuan-perempuan yang beriman supaya menyekat pandangan mereka (daripada memandang yang haram), dan memelihara kehormatan mereka; dan janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka kecuali yang zahir daripadanya; dan hendaklah mereka menutup belahan leher bajunya dengan tudung kepala mereka; dan janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka melainkan kepada suami mereka, atau bapa mereka atau bapa mertua mereka atau anak-anak mereka, atau anak-anak tiri mereka, atau saudara-saudara mereka, atau anak bagi saudara-saudara mereka yang lelaki, atau anak bagi saudara-saudara mereka yang perempuan, atau perempuan-perempuan Islam, atau hamba-hamba mereka, atau orang gaji dari orang-orang lelaki yang telah tua dan tidak berkeinginan kepada perempuan, atau kanak-kanak yang belum mengerti lagi tentang aurat perempuan; dan janganlah mereka menghentakkan kaki untuk diketahui orang akan apa yang tersembunyi dari perhiasan mereka; dan bertaubatlah kamu sekalian kepada Allah, wahai orang-orang yang beriman, supaya kamu berjaya.

[24.31] And say to the believing women that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts and do not display their ornaments except what appears thereof, and let them wear their head-coverings over their bosoms, and not display their ornaments except to their husbands or their fathers, or the fathers of their husbands, or their sons, or the sons of their husbands, or their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or those whom their right hands possess, or the male servants not having need (of women), or the children who have not attained knowledge of what is hidden of women; and let them not strike their feet so that what they hide of their ornaments may be known; and turn to Allah all of you, O believers! so that you may be successful.

Menurut al-Qurtubi, sebab turun ayat ini ialah pada masa itu kaum wanita apabila menutup kepala dengan ‘khumur’ (semacam kain tudung) maka mereka tarik ke belakang sehingga leher, dada dan telinga terdedah. Maka Allah memerintahkan mereka menutup bahagian hadapan, termasuk dada, leher, telinga dan rambut. - (Fatwa al-Qardhawi)Selepas turun ayat itu, wanita mukmin segera mengoyakkan kain untuk menutup apa yang terbuka. Aisyah sendiri pernah menegur tudung Hafsah, anak seorang saudaranya. Hafsah datang dengan bertudung menutup leher tetapi nipis. Kata Aisyah: “Ini amat nipis, tidak dapat menutupnya.” Dalam ayat al-Quran yang terdahulu, Allah melarang wanita mukmin memperlihatkan perhiasan (tubuhnya) kecuali yang lahir (yang biasa nampak seperti tangan dan muka).Dr Yusof al-Qardhawi berkata: “Ulama terdahulu hingga kini tidak ada yang mengatakan rambut wanita, termasuk pehiasan yang lahir.”– (Fatawa al-Qardhawi) . Mafhumnya, ulama semua peringkat menyatakan rambut wanita adalah aurat.Ibnu Masud pula mengatakan: “Perhiasan yang lahir ialah pakaian.” Ibnu Jubair menambah: “Termasuk yang lahir itu ialah wajah”. Namun Said bin Juabair menokok lagi dengan mengatakan: “Wajah, kedua tangan dan pakaian,” manakala Ibnu Abbas mempunyai pendapat lain. Katanya: “Perhiasan yang lahir ialah celak, perhiasan dan cincin yang dibolehkan”. Mengenai hal menutup aurat, Aisyah pernah menceritakan teguran Rasulullah terhadap Asma binti Abu Bakar. Ketika Asma menemui Rasulullah, dia memakai pakaian nipis. Rasulullah lalu menegurnya.“Wahai Asma, sesungguhnya jika seseorang perempuan sudah sampai masa haid (baligh) maka tidak layak baginya menampakkan kecuali yang ini (baginda mengisyaratkan pada muka dan tangannya). Daripada beberapa keterangan itu nyatalah wanita Islam wajib menutup perhiasan yang tersembunyi.


Adab Potong Kuku

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

my team of 2007/2008

my liverpool team of 2007/2008. walaupun xde cup tp kehadiran tores dan kematangan stevie g dah membuatkan aku semakin cinta ngan kelab ni. semoga season depan lebih bergaya dan tores lebih tajam. hidup liverpool.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Paul Hassall 10 May 2008

Rafael Benitez has

revealed that

even he has been

amaze by the

remarkable impact made

by Fernando Torres

during his first season

in English football.

The Spain international has taken the Barclays Premier League by storm, scoring 32 goals in all-competitions ahead of Sunday's final match of the season at Spurs.

And the Reds boss admits he has been pleasantly surprised to see his record signing match Ruud van Nistelrooy's 23-goal record for most goals by a foreign player in a debut Premier League campaign.

"We analysed the age, condition, quality and mentality of the player before he arrived, so we knew he was a good player," says the Anfield manager. "That is why we signed him.

"But to score more than 30 goals in a first season is a fantastic achievement. It's a surprise for everyone, not because we didn't have confidence in him, but because it's his first year in the Premier League."

If Torres is to break Van Nistelrooy's league record he will have to find the net in Sunday's showdown away to Juande Ramos' Carling Cup winners.

It is something he has managed on just occasions on the road, with 21 of his 23 league efforts coming at Anfield, but Benitez has complete faith in his number nine and points to significant strikes in some of Europe's most famous venues as proof Torres can produce the goods in any arena.

"I don't know why so many of his league goals have come at Anfield," he said.

"For me, it's a surprise because I'd have thought he'd score more goals away because of his pace and he'd get more space and it’d be easier for him.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence. But the motivation at Anfield is fantastic because of our supporters.

"He's scored at Stamford Bridge and the San Siro in the Champions League, so he has shown he can score anywhere."

As the Reds' campaign comes to a climax in London tomorrow, Benitez has already begun preparations for next season, having already identified the type of player he wants to bring in to bolster his squad.

He believes signing players for key positions will be the most prudent way to approach this summer's market and is confident the current members of his squad will have learnt from the pressure situations they have faced both on and off the field this season.

"We need players who are hungry, people who want to win trophies," he said.

"We are only interested in signing the players that we need. For example if we need a right-back, we'll try and sign one. Why do we need to sign the best striker in the world, when we have one of the best here already? We just need to do the right things in the right moment."

He added: "This season we could see the reaction of everyone under pressure," he says. "That was important information for the future. We saw how people reacted during a difficult time."


Paul Hassall 10 May 2008
It's the match that pits Rafael Benitez against Juande Ramos... Two successful Spaniards, renowned for their coaching acumen, going head-to-head for the first time in English football.

With both sides already assured of European football next season there is nothing more than pride at stake - and yet both managers will be determined to get one over on their compatriot and sign off the Premier League campaign with a victory.

It is the first time Carling Cup winning coach Ramos will have faced Liverpool since taking charge of the White Hart Lane outfit, and he will be hoping his Spurs side can improve upon the 2-2 draw his predecessor Martin Jol secured at Anfield back on October 7, 2007 - when a last-gasp header from Fernando Torres denied them all three points.

The home side will have to try and achieve this without goalkeeper Paul Robinson who has aggravated an ankle injury, but Ramos has been boosted by the news that Dimitar Berbatov has recovered from a groin strain.

Ledley King, Gareth Bale and Benoit Assou-Ekotto are all still out, but Teemu Tainio has resumed training following an achilles injury.

Ramos is anticipating a tough test against Liverpool, and identifies Fernando Torres as the man huis Spurs outfit must be most wary of.

"We know it will be very difficult against Liverpool," said Head Coach Juande. "They are a very solid team defensively, they work very hard and they are dangerous in attack with players like Fernando Torres scoring the goals he does.

"We will have to play well and not make any mistakes - we have to play a tremendous game.

"We are very positive. It's a great game in front of our fans at White Hart Lane and we just hope we can send everyone off with a victory."

Ramos also revealed that he has been unsurprised by Torres' sensational first season in England.

He added: "It doesn't surprise me because he’s a magnificent player and if he is going to score goals in Spain, then he will score goals in England. I'm not surprised he’s adapted so quickly."

Liverpool head into the match at White Hart Lane hoping to emulate last season's 1-0 success when a Luis Garcia strike on the stroke of half-time clinched an impressive victory.

The Reds have already scored 117 goals this campaign - the highest total in all-competitions from any Premier League side - and Benitez wants his team to sign off the season in style.

"You always want to win but if it is possible to win, play well and score some goals it is much better," he said.

"It's not easy when you play your last game away and I think it is easier for the home team.

"We have people who are hungry and want to score more goals, more than 117 and we want another clean sheet for the keeper and also we want three more points. We will try to do our best."

The Reds boss revealed that Fabio Aurelio could return for his side after recovering from a groin injury but Daniel Agger, despite being fit enough to train, will not be risked.

Youngsters Damien Plessis, Emiliano Insua and Krisztian Nemeth could also step up from the reserves after impressing during Gary Ablett's side's treble winning season.

Friday, May 9, 2008


If it wasn't for one man, Liverpool Football Club would never have been born. When Everton left Anfield in a dispute over rent in 1892, club chairman John Houlding stayed behind along with a handful of supporters and just three first-team players. But he was determined to see football continue at the ground. He formed a new club from scratch, chose the name Liverpool… and created a legend.

Even John Houlding couldn't have predicted how successful it would become. More than 100 years on, no English club can match the LiverpoolFC roll of honour; League Champions 18 times, FA Cup winners seven times, League Cup winners seven times, European Cup winners five times and UEFA Cup winners three times.

When it is completed, the History channel will chart the rise and rise of Liverpool FC to the very summit of the England game, from the struggles of the early years right up to Gerard Houllier's historic treble in 2001. This channel will recall glorious domestic victories and European triumphs and reflect on the tragedies of Heysel and Hillsborough.

We've focused on 10 key dates in Liverpool Football Club's history to begin with but over time, we'll have over 100 chapters in this section alone as we present the ultimate history of England's greatest ever football club. This is a story of incredible passion and pride - a story that not only inspires Liverpool fans but football supporters the world over.

1892 – Liverpool Football Club formed
The history of Liverpool Football Club begins with our greatest rivals and neighbours, Everton, for it was from a dispute with Everton that Liverpool Football Club was born.

1901 - Our first title win
In mid-February of the 1900-01 season, Liverpool had lost eight games and conceded 31 goals and the championship looked a pipe-dream. Twelve games later and after nine wins and three draws, the title was ours. Here's how we did it…

1950 - First Wembley appearance
Arsenal provided the opposition when Liverpool made their first appearance at Wembley. It should have been a momentous occasion in the club's history but a 2-0 defeat prolonged the Reds’ wait for FA Cup glory.

1959 - Shankly appointed manager
December 1st 1959 is a date that will forever be etched in the annals of Anfield history. For it was on this day that Liverpool Football Club announced Huddersfield Town boss Bill Shankly would be their new manager in succession to Phil Taylor.

1965 - Winning the FA Cup for first time
There was a feeling of quiet optimism around Anfield that this could, at last, be Liverpool’s year in the competition we so desperately craved success in. After all, we were the reigning league champions and, under Bill Shankly, anything seemed possible.

1977 - European Champions
If winning the FA Cup for the first time in 1965 is regarded as the greatest day in the history of Liverpool Football Club, then there is no doubt that winning the European Cup for the first time in 1977 was the greatest night.

1985 - Heysel Disaster
No one will ever forget the tragic events at the Heysel Stadium in Brussels on May 29 1985. Liverpool were playing Juventus in the European Cup Final and what should have been one of the greatest nights in the club's history turned into the lowest.

1986 - Doing the Double
Liverpool Football Club kicked off the 1985/86 under a giant cloud. The events of Heysel just four months previous had heaped shame on Anfield but that grey cloud was to have a glorious silver lining.

1989 – Hillsborough

On April 15th 1989, over 25,000 Liverpool supporters travelled down to Hillsborough to watch the FA Cup semi-final match with Nottingham Forest. 96 of them never returned.

2001 - Clinching the cup treble

Just four days after dramatically snatching the FA Cup from Arsenal's grasp in Cardiff, and with the Worthington Cup already safely tucked away in the Anfield trophy cabinet, Liverpool's class of 2001 completed an unprecedented cup treble.

2005 - Champions League Winners 2005

On what will go down as THE most incredible night in this club's illustrious history Liverpool reclaimed their crown as Kings of Europe after miraculously overcoming a 3-0 half-time deficit to defeat AC Milan at the Ataturk Stadium in Istanbul..

2006 - FA CUP WINNERS 2006

The 2006 FA Cup Final will be remembered in Anfield folklore as the Gerrard final as captain fantastic Steven Gerrard rescued Liverpool with a stunning last minute equaliser to break West Ham's hearts and force extra-time...


player image
shirt image
Position: Striker
Date of Birth: 20/03/1984
Height: 6'1
Weight: 12st 4
1st team games: 46
1st team goals: 32
International caps: 45
International goals: 15
Former clubs: Atletico Madrid
Birth Place: Madrid, Spain

"We bought the lad from sunny Spain, he gets the ball and scores again."

The Kop has a new idol by the name of Fernando Torres - and no one makes the famous stand bounce like Liverpool's number nine.

Signed for a club record fee of approximately £20 million in July 2007, El Nino was handed the shirt vacated by Anfield legend Robbie Fowler.

Undaunted, he soon became the first Red since Fowler in 1996-97 to break the 30-goal barrier and is already on his way to achieving Godlike status.

Before joining the Premier League aged 23, Torres spent 12 years with hometown club Atletico Madrid.

Such was his prodigious talent he was named the best under-14 player in Europe following his performances in the 1998 Nike Cup.

Torres became the youngest player in Atletico history upon making his debut in May 2001. He went on to bag 21 goals in 2003-04 after being named Vicente Calderon's youngest ever skipper at the age of 19.

Having already top-scored in European Under-16 and Under-19 Championships, El Nino earned a first senior cap in September 2003 against Portugal. Seven months later he chalked up a first international goal against Italy. The forward would go on to net three times in the 2006 World Cup in Germany.

Clubs around Europe, including Manchester United and Arsenal, were understandably circling. However, in May 2007 it became clear Torres had his heart set on Merseyside when he revealed the phrase 'We'll Never Walk Alone' on the inside of his captain's armband during a match between Atletico and Real Sociedad.

Two months of speculation and paper talk ensued before the striker was finally unveiled at Melwood.

Torres made his competitive debut for Liverpool at Villa Park on August 11, 2007. A week later he smashed in his first official goal (he'd already scored in a pre-season friendly versus Shanghai Shenhua) when a trademark burst of pace against Chelsea sent Anfield wild.

Successive home hat-tricks to see off Middlesbrough and West Ham helped the hitman total 32 (and counting) in what was arguably the finest debut season ever for a foreign import to English football.


Jimmy Rice
Steven Gerrard has seen off stiff competition from Fernando Torres and Javier Mascherano to scoop Fans’ Player of the Year for 2007.
The skipper received 53 per cent of the vote in an exclusive poll on this website.

Torres came second with 18 per cent despite playing only five months of the year at Anfield. Mascherano was third with eight per cent, with Jamie Carragher fourth and Pepe Reina fifth.

The accolade went to Gerrard after he helped lead the Reds to a second Champions League final in three seasons.

There were also stunning free-kicks against the likes of Arsenal and Newcastle, and moments of magic which dragged Liverpool out of the mire against teams like Villa and Derby.

Stay logged on to on Wednesday to see who fans voted Young Player of 2007.


player image
shirt image
Position: Midfielder
Date of Birth: 30/05/1980
Height: 6'0
Weight: 12st 6
1st team games: 438
1st team goals: 96
International caps: 65
International goals: 12
Former clubs:
Birth Place: Whiston

Once in a generation a player comes along to whom nothing seems impossible. Luckily, that man wears the number eight shirt at Anfield.

Liverpool's inspirational captain is arguably the most complete footballer in the world. Power, pace, touch and a never-say-die attitude; Stevie G has it all, and rarely have these attributes been more apparent than when he skippered the Reds to 2005 Champions League glory in Istanbul.

Like several of his teammates, the Scouse sensation has collected just about every medal at club level - except the Premier League. He's also captained his country and in 2006 was awarded an MBE by the Queen.

Gerrard's LFC love affair began when he was spotted playing for Whiston Juniors aged nine. Eight years later, after a period as a trainee, he signed his first professional contract.

Within 12 months the starlet had made his first-team debut, coming on as a second-half sub for Vegard Heggem against Blackburn Rovers on November 19, 1998. Gerrard played 13 games in his debut season, in part due to the injury woes of fellow midfielder Jamie Redknapp.

Persistent back and groin problems punctuated his blossoming career, though he'd managed to establish himself as a first-team regular by the start of the 1999-00 season.

It proved to be a momentous campaign for the Whiston-born youngster, not least because of a spectacular first professional goal at Anfield against Sheffield Wednesday. England coach Kevin Keegan was starting to take note.

Having already featured at under-18 and under-21 level, Gerrard was handed his first senior international cap against Ukraine in May 2000. From there he was selected for Euro 2000 in Holland and Belgium, but had to settle for just a single substitute appearance.

By now regarded as the complete box-to-box midfielder, he was instrumental in the Reds winning a unique treble in 2001. With the Worthington and FA Cups already in the bag, Gerrard was one of the scorers in an unforgettable 5-4 UEFA Cup final victory over Alaves. It came as no surprise when the man nicknamed the Huyton Hammer was voted PFA Young Player of the Year.

The milestones were starting to stack up for Gerrard, who kicked off the following season by netting his first international goal in the famous 5-1 trouncing of Germany in their own backyard. The win helped Sven's men secure a World Cup place, but heartbreak followed when a groin injury ruled the midfield maestro out of Japan and South Korea.

A disappointing domestic season followed, the highlight of which was a Worthington Cup final at Cardiff's Millennium Stadium. Gerrard opened the scoring in a satisfying 2-0 win over Manchester United.

By the start of 2003-04, the midfielder had firmly established himself as Liverpool's on-field leader, and it was no surprise when Houllier handed him the captain's armband in place of Sami Hyypia.

The decision proved such a success that within six months Gerrard was captaining England against Sweden in the absence of David Beckham.

Just when it seemed things couldn't get any better for the Scouser, they did. On May 25, 2005, under new boss Rafa Benitez, Gerrard lifted the club's fifth European Cup.

Having already brought Liverpool back from the brink earlier in the campaign with a last-gasp strike against Olympiacos, the skipper helped inspire the greatest comeback of all time in Istanbul.

No one believed the Reds could overturn AC Milan's 3-0 half-time lead - until Stevie G's 54th minute header, that is.

His heroics earned him the title of UEFA's Most Valuable Player, as well as a nomination for the prestigious Ballon D'Or award. He would come third in the latter, behind Ronaldinho and countryman Frank Lampard.

In the months that followed the final, captain fantastic signed a new four-year contract at Anfield to put an end to speculation about a possible move to Chelsea.

With his future sorted, Gerrard went on to enjoy his most impressive season to date, scoring 23 goals in 53 games and being crowned PFA Player of the Year. He was the first Liverpool man to win the award since John Barnes in 1988.

The 2005-06 campaign culminated with another FA Cup win in Cardiff, with West Ham providing the opposition. If 1953 will always be remembered as the Stanley Matthews final, then 2006 will surely go down as Gerrard's day.

The skipper twice breached Shaka Hislop's net, including a dramatic equaliser in the dying moments to send the game into extra-time and, ultimately, penalties. This 35-yard volley was voted Match of the Day's goal of the season.

Gerrard - who's played in just about every position for Liverpool - had now scored in four major finals, something no English-based player had ever done.

Next, in the summer of 2006 and aged 26, the midfielder featured in his first World Cup. After scoring twice in the group stages, he was one of three players to miss a penalty in the quarter-final shoot-out loss to Portugal.

In the wake of defeat and Beckham standing down, Gerrard was widely tipped to be the next England skipper. New boss Steve McClaren eventually plumped for Chelsea centre-back John Terry, with the Liverpool man having to settle for the vice-captaincy.

The Kop idol returned from Germany for another eventful domestic season during which he broke Ian Rush's European Cup goalscoring record. His header against PSV was his 15th in the competition, one more than the legendary striker.

In December 2006, Gerrard was awarded an MBE, which he later collected from the Queen at Buckingham Palace.

As if all this wasn't enough, the season ended with another European Cup final, and again it was AC Milan. The Reds might have lost 2-1 in Athens, but Gerrard was more than happy to pen a new four-year contract to keep him at Anfield until 2011.

He enjoyed a mixed start to 2007-08, scoring an unstoppable free-kick against Arsenal on his 400th appearance. There was major disappointment in November, however, when he skippered the national side to a 3-2 defeat against Croatia at the new Wembley - ending both England's hopes of qualifying for Euro 2008 and Steve McClaren's reign at manager.


Rafael Benitez has revealed that Reds winger Harry Kewell will be free to leave the club at the end of the season.
The Reds boss also discussed the future of John Arne Riise, Peter Crouch and the club's interest in Aston Villa midfielder Gareth Barry.

Here's what Rafa told reporters in full at Melwood this afternoon.


Rafa, just one game of the season remaining...Are you looking forward to a break?

I think it's always important to have a break but you must know that it is always important to do your job, be focused and concentrate and I have enough energy for this.

You are looking to get some transfer business done early...What is happening with Gareth Barry?

We are working hard with different players but with this case Martin O'Neill is clear and we must wait until the end of the season.

Can you give us any details on the offer you have made to Villa?

No and I think he was telling everyone...but not really, we want to wait and we will try to talk again about the possibilities.

What players have you offered to Villa?

Okay, I will say something. I was talking with Martin O'Neill privately before so he knows our ideas, clearly. I will not talk with the press about speculation, he knows directly because I was talking with him, so it is very simple.

Are you likely to go back in with a renewed bid?

We will talk about the future with him (O'Neill) that is our idea.

How confident are you that a deal can be done?

I don't know. I was very clear. We want to respect his decision and wait until the end of the season, so we will wait and we will talk with him.

In terms of players leaving the club - are Harry Kewell and John Arne Riise definitely leaving?

With Harry Kewell we were talking with his agent and we tried to progress and reach an agreement but we didn't make any agreement, so he will be released at the end of the season.

What about Riise?

With Riise and the rest of the players they have one or more years left on their contracts, so he is still our player at the moment and he knows if we receive a good offer - good for him and the club - it could be...but he is still our player and I am really pleased with him because he is a fantastic professional.

There is continued speculation about the future of Peter Crouch. Are you resigned to losing him in the summer?

You know my idea, we offered him a new contract. When nobody was talking about him we signed him from Southampton, when everyone was criticising us, especially me, because he was not scoring goals, I was supporting him. So I have the same idea. He is a good professional and a good player and he wants to play every week. We know about that. That is the situation. We know that Portsmouth and other clubs are linked with him in the press, but as of this moment we haven't received any official offer. If we receive an offer we will talk because I want the best for Crouch and the best for my club.

If he were to leave what would you believe is a good price?

I think £15million would be a good price.

Do you get the impression he wants to leave?

He wants to play every week. I was talking with him before and two days ago. He knows my position and I know his position, so we are professionals and we want the best for each other.

Will he be involved this weekend against Spurs?

He could be. We have two more training sessions so at this moment I cannot say.

How important is it to finish the season in the right way?

It's always important. To achieve 76 points would be fantastic. We want to win trophies but can't so if you can score more than 117 goals and have another clean sheet and get three more points, it will be better.

Do you feel Spurs have almost taken things a bit easier since winning the Carling Cup?

I think that they are playing well now and Juande Ramos is doing a good job so they must be worried about themselves and we can focus on ourselves.

Traditionally this is one of English football's more attractive fixtures - is it a good game to end the season with?

Yes I think so. The last game can be an open game, so there could be some goals - especially in their goal - that would be good.

The title will be decided this weekend. Any thoughts on who might win it?

No not really. I cannot be involved so I will try to be focused on my team.

The reserves won the national title last night. It was a good performance wasn't it?

Yes, it was a fantastic achievement for them, a very good season and to win it in style was important. We could see good goals and quality so I always say the same thing. The scouting department has done a good job and the staff are doing a good job. These young players with quality are progressing and will be the future of the club.

Gary Ablett has come in and done a good job hasn't he?

Yes he's doing a good job. Everyone close to the first-team is doing a good job.

Do you expect the situation regarding the ownership of the club to be resolved this summer?

The only thing I can say is that I am in contact with them. We are trying to progress with the different issues that we have, so I don't know the situation in terms of shares and things like that, but with my business and my responsibility we are progressing and doing our job.

Do you hope that a resolution is found soon?

Yes, I think so. Everyone knows the club needs to be well organised and everyone needs to know what to do and who will be in charge, so I think it is something that needs to resolved soon.

How can the club move forward before there is a resolution?

In the same way that we were doing before, so if I have an idea about signing players or something different, I talk with them, I talk with Rick Parry, talk with the owners, they say yes and we progress.

Is there a worry one might say yes and the other no?

Normally we are not asking about difficult things so normally they say yes.

In terms of the squad are you looking to get business done as soon as possible?

Yes, it is always better to do that because you can start with the players at the start of the pre-season. If you sign a player at the end of July, you cannot train with him and he will need more time, so it's better to sign players as soon as possible.

How many players are you looking to bring in?

It depends on the market. If we have some offers for players maybe we can sell and then buy but we need to wait. At this moment I am really pleased and happy with the squad. We need to wait and add two or three players but if we need to sell, we will buy new players.

Do you think Juande Ramos has done a good job at Spurs?

Yes, I think he has done a good job. He is a great manager and it is still his first year in England so I think he has done a very good job.

Do you know him well?

Yes, we met in Spain and have played some games against each other in Spain. He was a good manager in Spain too.

Did you offer him some advice about moving to England?

Not really, he had some people who he knew in England so I think he has people close to him who he spoke to.

How are you looking squad-wise for this final game with Spurs?

I think that we are okay. We had Fabio Aurelio training again and also Daniel Agger which is very good news. The mood in the squad is good so I think everything is okay and we can put out a strong team against Spurs.

How would you assess the season overall?

I think it was not bad but it was not perfect either. You always want to win trophies. I think we are in a good position in the top four in England and the top four in Europe - but it could be better and we feel that in the future it must be better.

the best of rodney mullen

dia ni memang best. aku mula2 kenal dia ni masa main game tony hawk pro skate kat ps1. bila tengok skill dia memang tergoda. pada aku la dia ni antara the best yg terel buat manual ngan flip. he made it look so easy. tp sebenarnya memang susah nak mampos. korang tengok r vid ni klu tak caya.

Thursday, May 8, 2008



mail by: alpha-Q group

Carrot + Ginger + Apple -
Boost and cleanse our system.

mail by: alpha-Q group

Apple + Cucumber + Celery -
Prevent cancer, reduce cholesterol, and improve stomach upset and headache.

mail by: alpha-Q group

Tomato + Carrot + Apple
- Improve skin complexion and bad breath.

mail by: alpha-Q group

Bitter gourd + Apple + Milk
- Avoid bad breath and reduce internal body heat.

mail by: alpha-Q group

+ Ginger + Cucumber - Improve Skin texture and moisture and reduce body heat.

mail by: alpha-Q group

Pineapple + Apple + Watermelon
- To dispel excess salts, nourishes the bladder and kidney.

mail by: alpha-Q  group

Apple + Cucumber + Kiwi
- To improve skin complexion.

mail by: alpha-Q group

Pear & Banana
- regulates sugar content.

mail by: alpha-Q group

Carrot + Apple + Pear + Mango
- Clear body heat, counteracts toxicity, decreased blood pressure and fight oxidization .

mail by: alpha-Q group

Honeydew + Grape + Watermelon + Milk
- Rich in vitamin C + Vitamin B2 that increase cell activity and strengthen body immunity.

mail by: alpha-Q group

Papaya + Pineapple + Milk
- Rich in vitamin C, E, Iron. Improve skin complexion and metabolism.

mail by: alpha-Q group

Banana + Pineapple + Milk
- Rich in vitamin with nutritious and prevent constipation.

Quite interesting!
Keep Walking.....

to check this out......
The Organs of your body have their sensory touches at the bottom of your foot, if you massage these points you will find relief from aches and pains as you can see the heart is on the left foot.


Typically they are shown as points and arrows to show which organ it connects to.

It is indeed correct since the nerves connected to these organs terminate here.

This is covered in great details in Acupressure studies or textbooks.

God created our body so well that he thought of even this. He made us walk so that we will always be pressing these pressure points and thus keeping these organs activated at all times.

So, keep walking...

Good one. Don't miss the attachments

Did You Know?
, M

Blood type and Rh
How many people have it?
O +
40 %
O -
7 %
A +
34 %
A -
6 %
B +
8 %
B -
1 %
AB +
3 %
AB -
1 %

Does Your Blood Type Reveal Your Personality?

You want to be a leader, and when you see something you want, you keep striving until you achieve your goal. You are a trend-setter, loyal, passionate, and self-confident. Your weaknesses include vanity and jealously and a tendency to be too competitive.
You like harmony, peace and organization. You work well with others, and are sensitive, patient and affectionate. Among your weaknesses are stubbornness and an inability to relax.
You're a rugged individualist, who's straightforward and likes to do things your own way. Creative and flexible, you adapt easily to any situation. But your insistence on being independent can sometimes go too far and become a weakness.
Cool and controlled, you're generally well liked and always put people at ease. You're a natural entertainer who's tactful and fair. But you're standoffish, blunt, and have difficulty making decisions.

You Can Receive
If Your Type Is














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Saves eyesight
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Prevents constipation
Combats cancer
Promotes weight loss